LIGMA spol. s r.o. was founded in 1992 in Litomyšl. It is a Czech company. At the time of commencement the company focused mainly on manufacture of the products of plastic film.
During first two years of operation the production increased a lot and the company became an integral part of the existing market with school and office supplies in the Czech Republic.
More InfoThe company has a sufficient mechanical and technical background; special machines for most non-standard production were produced by company's own means.
In mid-2009, the company installed profiling line for production of construction profiles made of stainless steel…
More InfoIn 1999, LIGMA developed a unique method of producing expansion joints for the use in building…
More InfoIn 2007, the company included in its program the processing of aluminum profiles for the production…
More InfoIn early 2006, LIGMA started production of cladding and structural building panels, sold under the brand…
More InfoLocksmith workshop locksmiths and welding work we develop and produce parts and components for various industrial…
More InfoAre you interested in the services offered? Do not hesitate to contact us with any question ...
Contact UsCurrently in 2020 , the company has strengthened its position in the market and ranked among successful, efficient and reliable companies throughout the Czech Republic.
Foundation of the company in Litomyšl
Production moved to Vysoké Mýto
Company started developing and later serial production of special metal-rubber sandwich conjunction joints
Company began the production of cladding and structural building panels, sold under the brand name LIGHT-BOARD.
Company began the processing of aluminium profiles for production of door, windows, conservatories etc.
Company installed profiling line for production of construction profiles made of stainless steel scrolls.
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Cílem projektu je pořízení technologie s vyššími technickými a užitnými parametry. Její propojení s IS zvýší efektivitu výrobního procesu a kvalitu hotového výrobku.
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